OAA Job + RFP BoardClick here to post & view Jobs Submit your posting and fee (if applicable) through our online system. All listings appear for two months, or until the position has been filled. Be sure to notify the OAA Executive Office (at oaa@ohioaviation.org) once the position has been filled. Job Posting fees are $75 per listing for Members OR $150 per listing for Non-Members. Remember: OAA Members receive one free JOB or RFP posting per membership year! If your accounting department needs OAA's w-9 to process a check, please click and download it here: OAA W-9 Notice to Professional Consultants REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES The Warren County Airport Authority (WCAA) will receive "Statements of Qualifications" from firms who are interested in providing professional services for planning, design, preparation of environmental assessment, construction document preparation, construction observation and cost estimates. Only firms with experience in FAA requirements and knowledge, reimbursement and procedural knowledge need apply. The general scope of services include:
Evaluation of the Statements of Qualifications will be based on FAA Circular 150-14d guidance and the following criteria specific to Warren County Airport:
Each firm's Statements of Qualifications will be ranked by the WCAA Board using the criteria stated above. The highest-ranking bidder will then be invited to prepare a detailed scope of services and firm cost proposal for consideration. Additional information may be requested from: Alan Wolfson, Airport Manager Statements of Qualifications should be transmitted electronically and must be received no later than 4:00 P.M. January 22, 2025. Limit number of pages to 30 pages. SOQ’s to be clearly marked “Warren County Airport Authority – RFQ for Planning Services”, and submitted to: Alan Wolfson, Airport Manager Warren County Airport Authority 2460 Greentree Road 513-403-3696 |